Boxes - SquashLevels
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Log in to view contact details and enter scores. You need to have access to these boxes.

If you would like further info on the box leagues at The Connaught Club email the above address and they will put you in contact with Rob Thirst

Matches to be played on or before 7-May-2024. 8 days overdue. Matches played: 0.

Contact with any queries or if you want to join or leave the boxes next time. 

Box 1

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Keith Lesser1XXX    0
2Alan Chan1XXX    0
3Sam Muna1XXX    0
4Jeremy Dowler4XX    0
5Dave Aananson1XXX    0

Box 2

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
6Mark Barlow1XXX    0
7Paul Chaplin2XXX    0
8Tariq Mushtaq1XXX    0
9Tony BrockingtonTBD    0
10Bob Baker6XX    0

Box 3

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
11Matt AndesTBD    0
12Marcus Walton7XX    0
13Shah RoojeeTBD    0
14Tom DarbyTBD    0
15Richard Baker1XXX    0

Box 4

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
16Steve Harris6XX    0
17Peter Hatley4XX    0
18Oliver GordonTBD    0
19Bill BurkeTBD    0
20Francisca Brown3XX    0

If you have a '*' by your name it means you have not played enough games and will be removed from the boxes next time. After that you will appear in the list below. To remove the '*', just play a game!

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